Monday, January 27, 2020

India Tradition Of Joint Family System Sociology Essay

India Tradition Of Joint Family System Sociology Essay Indians are known for family-oriented culture. The family values play a very important role in their social life. A very important responsibility of family is the transmission of beliefs, traditions and core values. India has a strong tradition of joint family system, in which members of multiple patrilineal related generations stay together and may or may not linked with possession of joint family property (Ghosh Basu, 2008). Married women usually live with their husbands families, with retaining bonds with their natal families. They live under same roof, working, worshiping, eating, and cooperating together in social and economic activities. Under this structure, there are clear lines of hierarchy and authority. And great respects should be shown to the members who are at higher position in the hierarchy. In general, elders rank above juniors, and among people of similar age; males outrank females. And traditionally, the oldest male member, which is usually the grandfather in the family, is the head in this family unit. And he has the authority over the whole family, especially in terms of big decision making and discipline creation. However, in some cases, grandmother also has certain authority over the younger females in the family (Essay on the concept of joint family system in India, n.d.). With the economy development and urbanization, traditional large families face difficulties to adapt to modern rapid and flexible life style. More and more traditional joint families have split into nuclear families, in which a couple live with their unmarried children, as a reaction to a variety of conditions, including the requirement for some members to move from village to city, or from one city to another to obtain the advantage of employment opportunities. And this trend has been increasing under the impact of westernization and secularization. However, the relative ties are still strongly connected to each other within kinships and loyalty to family is still a deeply imbibed principle from family members. When facing with crucial decision and emergencies, seeking family agreement and support are still their first consideration. Numerous prominent Indian families, such as the Tatas, Birlas, and Sarabhais, retain joint family arrangements even today and they work together to control some of the country`s largest financial empires (Indian family structure, indian society, n.d.). Indian Family Structure Indian families Some family types bear special mention because of their unique qualities. In the sub-Himalayan region of Uttar Pradesh, polygyny is commonly practiced. There, among Hindus, a simple polygynous family is composed of a man, his two wives, and their unmarried children. Various other family types occur there, including the supplemented subpolygynous householda woman whose husband lives elsewhere (perhaps with his other wife), her children, plus other adult relatives. Polygyny is also practiced in other parts of India by a tiny minority of the population, especially in families in which the first wife has not been able to bear children.Among the Buddhist people of the mountainous Ladakh District of Jammu and Kashmir, who have cultural ties to Tibet, fraternal polyandry is practiced, and a household may include a set of brothers with their common wife or wives. This family type, in which brothers also share land, is almost certainly linked to the extreme scarcity of cultivable land in the Himalayan region, because it discourages fragmentation of holdings. The peoples of the northeastern hill areas are known for their matriliny, tracing descent and inheritance in the female line rather than the male line. One of the largest of these groups, the Khasisan ethnic or tribal people in the state of Meghalayaare divided into matrilineal clans; the youngest daughter receives almost all of the inheritance including the house. A Khasi husband goes to live in his wifes house. Khasis, many of whom have become Christian, have the highest literacy rate in India, and Khasi women maintain notable authority in the family and community. Perhaps the best known of Indias unusual family types is the traditional Nayar taravad , or great house. The Nayars are a cluster of castes in Kerala. High-ranking and prosperous, the Nayars maintained matrilineal households in which sisters and brothers and their children were the permanent residents. After an official pre-puberty marriage, each woman received a series of visiting husbands in her room in the taravad at night. Her children were all legitimate members of the taravad . Property, matrilineally inherited, was managed by the eldest brother of the senior woman. This system, the focus of much anthropological interest, has been disintegrating in the twentieth century, and in the 1990s probably fewer than 5 percent of the Nayars live in matrilineal taravads . Like the Khasis, Nayar women are known for being well-educated and powerful within the family. Malabar rite Christians, an ancient community in Kerala, adopted many practices of their powerful Nayar neighbors, including naming their sons for matrilineal forebears. Their kinship system, however, is patrilineal. Kerala Christians have a very high literacy rate, as do most Indian Christian groups. end (need to simplify into 5 sentences) Family-building strategies in urban India: converging demographic trends in two culturally distinct communities Contemporary South Asia Vol. 17, No. 2, June 2009, 141-158 Since the early 1950s, Indias population is characterized by a persistent trend of a masculine sex ratio4. In recent census enumerations, this trend has been especially noticeable in sex ratios at birth and in the child population (0-6 years old). Several studies on inter-regional variation in the overall sex ratio and child sex ratio report stronger masculine sex ratios in the northIndian states of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh than in the southIndian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu 5. The widely discussed divide between north and south also relates to gender relations, status of women, and the kinship systems. Traditionally, the south Indian kinship system has been described as bilateral, with women having some rights ofinheritance and flexibility of residence after marriage. This is in stark contrast to the patrilineal, patrilocal, and exogamous kinship system in the north (Dyson and Moore 1983; Kishor 1993). Some studies suggest that desire for a small family size in India is associated with a decline in preference for sons and in balancing of the sex ratio among children in the family (Bhat and Zavier 2003; Saluja 2005). A recent analysis of the National Family Health Survey II data suggests that a majority of married couples in Kerala and Punjab want a sex-balanced family and that a decline in the desired family size is associated with a weakened preference for sons in India. end The nuclear family The extended family Dynamics of the family Parental roles For Indian women, giving birth to a child is a socio-religious obligation, adding accomplishment and fulfillment to their social roles. And after 30 years old is considered old to give birth to the first child. Besides of breast-feeding their children, traditionally, the mothers usually put great effort on taking care of the food and eating aspect of their children. With female literacy growing to 54% in the 2001 census, more and more women are taking part in work force (need reference). Marriage and courtship It is amazing to see how often well-educated, independent professionals have to consult their parents before accepting a job offer or traveling abroad. At the core of Indian culture lies an innate respect for parents and other elders in the family, and usually no major decision is taken without consulting them. Parents often live with their married children, typically with a son. There is really no concept of a grown-up son or daughter moving out of the house unless it is the result of circumstances like a job in a different city. The arranged marriage is another practice that illustrates the importance Indians place on the family. A majority of marriages in India are arranged by families and several people are involved in the decision-making process. As popular belief goes, a marriage tied with many knots will not come undone. This is in complete contrast to the American culture where only two people tie the knot and experience has indeed shown us that it can be undone more easily. The divorce rate in America is much higher than in India. American culture can sometimes appear to be too rebellious and independent, with children growing apart from their parents as they grow older. At other times Indian culture can seem too dependent on other peoples opinions and subject to unnecessary involvement from relatives, near and far. There are positives and negatives in both cultures. However it is important for foreign businessmen visiting India, especially those who are new, to remember that in general, important decisions are not made individually but as a family. This may not be apparent on a daily basis but will surface in critical situations. end Female/male roles (changing or static?) Certain families observe a matriarchal concept i.e. the groom resides in the house of the bride or also follows a tradition as per the brides ancestors. Generally India is patriarchal in the sense the children get the surname of the father and the wife changes her surname to follow that of the husbands. It is also a tradition in certain families that the wife changes her maiden name but again this concept is also changing. Indian families are very accommodating and willing to accept change. It is a concept to observe the karva chauth or the raksha bandhan with great aplomb. There is an occasion for gifting and seeking the blessings of elders. It is important to respect and hold certain family traditions which are unique in terms of cooking, rituals and beliefs. Families give a lot of importance to lighting the diya in the evening and also each person in family has a habit of doing the puja in his own way. end Education Education is divided into preprimary, primary, middle (or intermediate), secondary (or high school), and higher levels. Primary school includes children of ages six to eleven, organized into classes one through five. Middle school pupils aged eleven through fourteen are organized into classes six through eight, and high school students ages fourteen through seventeen are enrolled in classes nine through twelve. Higher education includes technical schools, colleges, and universities. end Summarized from (Cheney, Ruzzi, Muralidharan, 2005) Historically, Hindu education was tailored to the needs of Brahmin boys. Together with the colonial rule under British from 1700s until 1947, the education system was geared to preserve the position of the more privileged classes, permitting an avenue of upward mobility only to those with resources. Even today, the vast majority of students with high school education come from high-level castes and middle-to-upper class families in urban area. Due to the historical barrier and previous education focus on tertiary education, more than 1/3 Indian citizens (42% of adults) is illiterate, with 25% males and 46% females, according to 2001 Census (need original data search). Summarized from (Cheney, Ruzzi, Muralidharan, 2005) From: A Profile of the Indian Education system (in education folder) cited in above text as (Cheney, Ruzzi, Muralidharan, 2005) National center on education and the Economy, 2006 India has the second largest education system in the world (after China). Experts estimate that 32% of its current population is under the age of 15. Males in India complete just 2.9 years of schooling on average, females just 1.8 years. The quality of instruction varies widely, depending on the region of the country and whether one is enrolled in a State-supported public school or a fee-based private school. Despite the highly inefficient delivery of public services, high levels of tesacher absenteeism and non-teaching activity, many Indian students remain motivated to succeed on the college entrance exams. The high level of competition for entry into the Indian Institutes of Technology, the Indian Institutes of Management and other top institutions is enough to spur millions of students to achieve at remarkably high levels, particularly in the areas of science and mathematics. Only 10% of the age cohort is actually enrolled in higher education. But in a country with sucha a large population, it amounts to 9 million students, resulting in 2.5 million new college graduates a year. end 1. The role of education in society a. Primary education (quality, levels of development, etc.) Summarized from (Cheney, Ruzzi, Muralidharan, 2005) The Indian school system follows the British structure. Primary school consists of grades 1-5 (ages 6-11) and middle school consists of grades 6-8 (ages 11-14). Primary school and middle school are compulsory. However, researchers estimate that an average of 70% percent of children between the ages of 6 and 14 actually attend school (need to search source, Karthik Mualidharans work). Quality of state-run schools ranges from top-notch to abysmal. Private schools are, on the whole, better, but are charging high fees and are competitive to get admission. Mostly, they are choices of middle and higher class families. A recent phenomenon is the rising of low-cost private schools in both rural and urban India. Facilities and infrastructure are poorer, but they can offer smaller classes and greater teaching activity due to the lower salaries paid to the teachers and more teachers hired. 2 out of 5 first-grade students will not complete the primary cycles of 4 to 5 years (depending on the State) (need source, world bank). Primary Stage (5 years) The curriculum includes: Grade 1 and 2 One language- the mother tongue/the regional language Mathematics Art of Healthy and Productive living Grade 3 to 5 One language the mother tongue/the regional language Mathematics Environmental studies Art of Healthy and productive living Upper Primary/Middle stage (3 years) Grade 6-8 Three languages the mother tongue/the regional language, Hindi and English Mathematics Science and Technology Social Sciences Work Education Art Education (fine arts: visual and performing) Health and Physical education The issue is not a lack of demand, but the quality of supply. The main reason for students to drop out is because their public school experiences are often so poor that students can learn very little. Girls get less chance to be supported in education. It is estimated that for every 100 girls that enroll in school in rural India, only one will make it to grade 12. Parents perceive returns to investment in educations of boys higher than that of girls. The PROBE study revealed that 98% of parents surveyed felt education was necessary for boys, and 89% of them felt it necessary for girls. Secondary education India has more than 100,000 secondary and senior secondary schools serving 30 million students, with the average teacher to student ratio of 1:34. The education in government schools continues to be free for grades 9 and above. But the majority of enrollment is in private schools whose fees vary considerably. Secondary stage grades 9 and 10 (2 years) Curriculum includes: Three languages mother tongue/regional language, Hindi, English (some schools offer as electives other languages such as Sanskrit, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) Mathematics Science and technology Social sciences Work education or pre-vocational education Art education (fine art: visual and performing) Physical and health education -Summarized from (Cheney, Ruzzi, Muralidharan, 2005) b. Secondary education (quality, levels of development, etc.) c. Higher education (quality, levels of development, etc.) 2. Literacy rates Languages: With 15 main languages and hundreds of other languages and dialects, India has more languages than any other country. With 30% primary tongue, Hindi is the national language. English is ubiquitous language, because of the historical colonization by British. Other main languages include Bengali, Gujarati, Paunjabi, Tamil and Telegu and Urdu. In 1980s, about 4 to 5 % of the population were estimated to use English. In 1997, 1/3 of population in India had the ability to carry on a conversation in English. And its estimated that there are 350 million English-speaking Indians in 2005 a8 (need data 2012). Referrence: Essay on the concept of joint family system in India, n.d. Retrieved Sep 19, 2012 from Ghosh, A Basu, D. 2008. Evolution of joint family structure in India and the role of legislative inroads. West Bengal. Indian family structure, indian society. n.d. Retrieved Sep 19, 2012 from a8 David Crystal (honorary professor of linguistics at the Unileversity of Wales, Bangor) sub continent raises its voice. Yale global online. Nov 30, 2004. Political system Political structure the Indian political system is a much more recent construct dating from Indias independence from Britain in 1947. The current constitution came into force on 26 November 1950 and advocates the trinity of justice, liberty and equality for all citizens. Indias lower house, the Lok Sabha, is modelled on the British House of Commons, but its federal system of government borrows from the experience of the United States, Canada and Australia. THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH The head of state in India is the President. As members of an electoral college, around 4,500 members of the national parliament and state legislators are eligible to vote in the election of the President. for the first time a woman now occupies the role of Presidency: Pratibha Patil who was formerly governor of the northern Indian state of Rajasthan. Vice-President is elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of both houses of parliament. The Vice-President chairs the the upper house called the Rajya Sabh. The head of the government is the Prime Minister who is appointed by the President on the nomination of the majority party in the lower house or Lok Sabha. Currently the Prime Minister is Manmohan Singh of the ruling United Progressive Alliance Ministers are then appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister and these ministers collectively comprise the Council of Ministers. pause THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Lok Sabha is composed of representatives of the people chosen by direct election on the basis of the adult suffrage. The maximum strength of the House envisaged by the Constitution is 552, which is made up by election of upto 530 members to represent the States, upto 20 members to represent the Union Territories and not more than two members of the Anglo-Indian Community to be nominated by the Honble President, if,   in his/her opinion, that community is not adequately represented in the House. The total elective membership is distributed among the States in such a way that the ratio between the number of seats allotted to each State and the population of the State is, so far as practicable, the same for all States. end end pause Currently the size of the house is 545 made up of 530 elected from the states, 13 elected from the territories, and two nominated from the Anglo-Indian community. By far the largest state representation is that of Uttar Pradesh with 80 members. Each Lok Sabha is formed for a five year term, after which it is automatically dissolved, unless extended by a Proclamation of Emergency which may extend the term in one year increments. The upper house in the Indian political system is the Rajya Sabha or Council of States. pause Article 80 of the Constitution lays down the maximum strength of Rajya Sabha as 250, out of which 12 members are nominated by the President and 238 are representatives of the States and of the two Union Territories. The present strength of Rajya Sabha, however, is 245, out of which 233 are representatives of the States and Union territories of Delhi and Puducherry and 12 are nominated by the President. The members nominated by the President are persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as literature, science, art and social service. end end pause end Political parties In India, political parties are either a National Party or a State Party. To be considered a National Party, a political party has to be recognised in four or more states and to be either the ruling party or in the opposition in those states. The original Congress Party espoused moderate socialism and a planned, mixed economy. However, its spin-off and successor, Congress (I) I in honour of Indira Gandhi now supports deregulation, privatisation and foreign investment. Over the years, India has evolved from a highly centralised state dominated by one political party to an increasingly fragmented nation, more and more influenced by regional parties and more and more governed locally by unstable multi-party alliances. The Indian Congress Party is the leading party in the Centre-Left political coalition called the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) which embraces a total of 16 parties. The other major, but more recently-established, political party in India is the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Created in 1980, it represents itself as a champion of the socio-religious cultural values of the countrys Hindu majority and advocates conservative social policies and strong national defence. The BJP, in alliance with several other parties, led the government between 1998-2004. The Bharatiya Janata Party is the leading party in the Right-wing political coalition called the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). When it was originally founded in 1998, there were 13 parties in the coalition but currently there are eight. -end At the beginning of the 1990s, political domination by the Congress (I) branch of the Indian National Congress (see Glossary) came to an end with the partys defeat in the 1989 general elections, and India began a period of intense multiparty political competition. The Congress (I) political leadership had lost the mantle of moral integrity inherited from the Indian National Congresss role in the independence movement, and it was widely viewed as corrupt. The main alternative to the Congress (I), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJPIndian Peoples Party), embarked on a campaign to reorganize the Indian electorate in an effort to create a Hindu nationalist majority coalition. Simultaneously, such parties as the Janata Dal (Peoples Party), the Samajwadi Party (Socialist Party), and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSPParty of Societys Majority) attempted to ascend to power on the crest of an alliance of interests uniting Dalits (see Glossary), Backward Classes (see Glossary), Scheduled Tribes (see Glossary), and religious minorities. The structure of Indias federalor unionsystem not only creates a strong central government with centralization of power. end 3. Stability of government 4. Special taxes 5. Role of local government D. Legal system 1. Organization of the judiciary system 2. Code, common, socialist, or Islamic-law country? 3. Participation in patents, trademarks, and other conventions 4. Marketing Laws

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Interpersonal Skills Essay

Interpersonal skills are very important to have and develop in life, they are the foundation to the relationships we make throughout our existence. We are interacting with people on a daily basis, even if for a brief moment in time and, those interpersonal skills are the tools we need to make those interactions as positive and effective as possible. This is especially true with our workplace interactions. Throughout our work experience, we will constantly collaborate and interact with others on all aspects of work in order to get the job done. There are many different dimensions of interpersonal skills that include verbal and non-verbal communication, effectively delivering feedback and being open to accepting constructive criticism, efficiently dealing with disagreements, and understanding how technology has an effect on theseskills in the workplace. By understanding these types of interpersonal skills we can more positively influence and support each other, create an encouraging work environment and collectively work together to thrive in our employment. These interpersonal skills will determine our degree of success in the workplace. Furthermore, the absence of these interpersonal skills will hinder our other talents and knowledge and result in a dysfunctional work environment. Interpersonal Skills When thinking of a person we like to be around, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons why we enjoy their company. A common reason is that they are good communicators. It’s easy to talk to them, they relate well to you, they have a positive attitude and are generally pleasant to be around. Similarly, we all know someone who has difficulty communicating with others. Maybe it’s your coworker, a longtime friend, the clerk at your favorite store or a family member. Everyone is different and interpersonal communication skills vary depending on how well they are in tune with themselves and others. Interpersonal communication is simply the way people communicate with each other (Interpersonal Skills, 2013). Whether interactions are of a social or professional nature, having good interpersonal skills will improve those interactions. The messages sent to others while communicating are both verbal and nonverbal (Adler, 2010). The words being spoken, the listener’s perception of their meaning, the body language of the communicators involved and the environment where the communication is happening are factors of interpersonal communication (Adler, 2010). With all of these moving parts it’s easy for misunderstandings to occur. Often times there is a disconnection between what a speaker actuslly says, what the speaker intended to say and the meaning the listener applies to what the speaker said (Adler, 2010). Linguistic theorists C. K. Ogdfen and I. A. Richards are famous for creating the triangle of meaning. This model shows that there is no direct relationship between an idea, process or other referent and the word (or other symbol) used to represent it. Rather, the pathway to understanding – or misunderstanding – passes through the mind of the sender or receiver. (Adler, 2010, p. 92) Speaking with clarity and removing equivocal terms, or terms with two different, but equally acceptable meanings is one way to mitigate inevitable misunderstandings (Adler, 2010). By eliminating the use of slang in a professional setting and being cognizant of the use of jargon communicators can also help to reduce misunderstandings (Adler, 2010). There is an appropriate place and time for everything and being aware of the audience and how messages will be received can keep verbal messages on a direct path of understanding to the listeners. Nonverbal communication often affects the way information is received more than verbal messages because, as the timeless phrase tells us, it’s not lways what you say, but how you say it that can leave a lasting impression. Nonverbal communication is anything other than the words coming out of your mouth (Adler, 2010). If your boss has a slouched posture and disinterested expression on their face, this may make an employee feel discouraged about bringing forth important concerns. If a colleague is making poor eye contact and constantly checks their watch, this may a message of disinterest to a coworker. People that often encroach upon others’ personal space can find that this affects the attitudes of others towards them. Most times you cannot control if your intended verbal message is received properly, but you can control if you are fidgeting and the amount of focus you are portraying to anyone you communicate with. Verbal and nonverbal communication skills go a long way towards improving overall interpersonal skills. One can improve their interpersonal skills and facilitate optimal communication by developing better networking, team work and leadership qualities (Interpersonal Skills, 2013b). Networking skills are exemplified when an individual is self-confident, communicates effectively and never stops building connections in their personal and professional networks (Interpersonal Skills, 2013b). People with great interpersonal skills can easily act as the ‘go-to’ person in their social circle or professional organization. They can connect the dots for others because they relate well to others and move through various interpersonal environments effortlessly. Collaborating well with others and working towards a common goal illustrates good team work. Individuals with interpersonal prowess cooperate with others to achieve the group’s goals. They value the ideas and contributions of each team member by actively listening and encouraging each and every team member to participate. Strong leadership skills require highly developed interpersonal skills. A leader with confidence, an open mind and who readily gives due praise can motivate others to work harder and achieve more (Adler, 2010). Using one’s expertise to delegate appropriately and mentor those who need it are natural characteristics of a leader (Interpersonal Skills, 2013b). Poise, grace and charisma also play a large part in the impression left after any interpersonal interaction. Those with robust interpersonal communication skills understand not only themselves, but also those around them with a fluid flow of cause and effect.. Dealing with Criticism One cause for communication that relies heavily on interpersonal skills in order to attain a successful outcome is criticism. Dealing with criticism from any aspect can be tricky, if not handled in the right way this kind of conversation can quickly go awry very quickly. While giving and receiving praise is easy and pleasurable to manage, encountering criticism is inevitable. Whether speaking out about a complaint or being the one to receive another’s dissatisfaction, criticism can spread like a wildfire of negative emotion and can result in a workplace climate where people are defensive. With the right tools though, someone can effectively deliver and respond to constructive criticism as well as use that information to develop and grow more. Offering constructive feedback can be more stressful than receiving it, because we know that we may offend others by telling them something they may not want to hear. Anticipating the confrontational nature of the encounter is unnerving, but can be best minimized by having a good attitude, carefully planning the message and being well prepared in the delivery. A good attitude is imperative to fostering development in others, positively influencing work relationships, and most importantly, will also help make others feel more receptive to the constructive feedback you may have. The essence of a more positive attitude is respect†¦that comes from how we construct messages; how we speak and act can be more important that the words themselves, as well as paying close attention not only to what you say but also to your nonverbal behavior, including your vocal tone and facial expression, when expressing yourself. (Adler, 2010) In addition, part of having respect and demonstrating equality for others is showing a genuine concern for them and being honest in communicating, which also gives others a feeling of being valued and appreciated. Planning your constructive feedback content is also essential n making your message most effective, and minimizing a defensive reaction (Adler, 2010). â€Å"Organize your thoughts or the sequence of events that you would like to discuss†¦and might even wish to refer to note card†¦as it ensures you get the information correct and can offer the impression that you have carefully considered your comments† (Garne r, 2006). Your message should define the problem clearly with sufficient detail, stay concise, accurate and on topic. The message should address one topic so as to not overwhelm the receiver and potentially cause the individual to become defensive. A good idea, would be to include any ways in which the recipient will benefit from heeding your feedback. When receiving criticism, a respondent will be more accepting if their strengths and positive actions are acknowledged. Finally, the delivery of your feedback should be in a way that is most conducive to convincing the receiving individual. The use of descriptive statements, or â€Å"I† language, refocuses evaluative statements on the speaker instead of judging the other person because they clearly state the reason for bringing up the matter as well as the speaker’s feelings (Adler, 2010). Avoid using â€Å"you† statements that can very easily make the situation take a turn for the worse by making the individual defensive. Pay close attention to your nonverbal communication, so as to avoid demeaning the other person, such as speaking loudly, sounding condescending or pointing your finger (Adler, 2010). Finally when giving constructive feedback, it’s most important to deliver your criticism privately (Adler, 2010). There is nothing worse than feeling embarrassed and belittled, because you feel like you’re being scolded in front of others. Reacting in defense is very easy to come by when you’re on the receiving end of constructive criticism. â€Å"Receiving criticism can actually trigger the flight-or-fight response†¦feeling the desire to withdraw (flight) or retaliate (fight)† (Garner, 2006). Luckily, there are many strategies that can be implemented to help in listening non-defensively and might leave you more open to the feedback. Some strategies include recognizing your body’s physical response to criticism-prone situations, keeping an open mind, recognizing there may be truth in the criticism, and viewing it as an opportunity for personal growth. As you realize that you are being criticized you may feel your heart race a bit, your blood pressure rise, your mouth become a bit dry, and your skin temperature may change†¦however, it may be best to simply realize that these are somewhat instinctual responses and succumbing to them may not best serve your long-term goals† (Garner, 20 06). We learn something new every day from the people around us, especially in the workplace where there are a wide range of skills and knowledge spanning different departments (Adler, 2010). By keeping an open mind and listening thoughtfully, you may learn something useful. While it can be hard to listen sincerely when being criticized, asking for examples or clarification, paraphrasing and even keeping notes of your critic’s comments can give you something to do besides defend yourself†¦and will show your critic that you take his or her comments seriously† (Adler, 2010). Doing these things, they may allow you to be more open to recognizing there might be some validity in your critic’s feedback, especially if this is an opinion others may share. You must avoid excuses, rationalizations and blaming others so as to deviate from the situation. Being honest with yourself is most important and taking the opportunity to develop and grow will benefit you in the long run. It is both the critic and the recipient’s responsibility to work together as a team to focus on finding a cooperative solution that meets everyone’s needs. â€Å"The goal of critical communication is to ensure that there is a dialogue†¦important information may be missed that might help better assess the particulars of the situation† (Garner, 2006). Both party’s perspective should be heard with respect and with as much of a non-judgmental attitude as possible. New information can potentially be uncovered that may influence one’s view of the circumstances, that would otherwise remain undisclosed if the other’s case is not fully heard. Finding someone to place fault on is counterproductive and will not work for satisfying both individuals. A more gainful approach is focusing on finding an effective solution is most beneficial to everyone involved (Adler, 2010). The goal is not to have a winner and loser, but to have a mutual understanding about the topic and how things can change for the better (Garner, 2006).

Friday, January 10, 2020

Discuss Changing Family Structures in the Uk and Give Examples of Sociological Theories That Provide Explanations as to Why and How Families Have Changed.

Discuss changing family structures in the UK and give examples of sociological theories that provide explanations as to why and how families have changed. This essay will discuss the various family structures in society. It will give theoretical explanation as to why and how families have changed. The essay will also bring statistical, historical and political evidence to back up the reason for these changes. During the pre-industrial society the ‘extended family’ was the most common family structure.This family structure involves three generations including the parents, children and either the grandparents (vertical-extended) or uncles and aunts (horizontally-extended). The extended family structure was essential for this society as families were a ‘unit of production’ so they needed as many workers as they could get. Michael Anderson (1971) argued that in ‘critical life situations’ there was a dependence on the extended family for help and sup port. Then Parsons (1949) said large families were economically beneficial, so the extended family was the most suited structure.However, during in the industrial revolution family life changed. It was no longer seen as a ‘unit of production’ but now a ‘unit of consumption’. The ‘nuclear family’ emerged and became the main family structure. However, the extended family may become popular again as in our current society people are living longer and state funding on residential care has decreased so this has shifted the care and responsibility onto the family. Also, there has been an increase in Multi-generational families. ‘The earlier age of child-bearing reducing the age gap between generations’ (Fulcher and Scott, 2011: 446)The ‘nuclear family’ consisted of two generations, the mother, father and their children. Parsons (1949) argued that industrialisation resulted in a shift from the extended family to the nuclear f amily, as its characteristics are more typical for a capitalist society. Parsons (1956) believed that you must move where there is work and that you should only take your immediate family with you not everyone. This is why nuclear families were more beneficial as it was easier to move for work with just your immediate amily. With the industrial revolution and the growth of capitalism, production was no longer carried out by family members, but by workers. Public policies were put in place during 1940-1970 such as the welfare state, which was designed to support family roles (breadwinner and caring mother). Since then there has been significant changes in public policies such as the divorce reform act (1967), the abortion act (1967), the equal pay act (1970), the sex discrimination act (1975) and maternity leave was introduced.This gave women more freedom and more opportunities especially within employment and lifestyle choices. This lead to social change; postponement of marriage an d childbearing, the number of divorces in England and Wales increased from 6,000 in 1938 to more than 48,000 in 1968, and in 1960 the fertility rate was 2. 72%, dropping to 1. 93% in 1998. Due to these rapid increases in divorce cohabitation has become more preferable for couples as there are no legal ties, the couple can see how it goes before making any major decisions such as marriage.Also couples may marry later as weddings are expensive and they don’t have the money to afford one due to the recession, however living with each other saves money. This was the democratic and educational revolution and the era of the nuclear family. However, with new policies in place and such major social change, from the 1970s onwards it became the ‘post-industrial society’ and the rise of post-modernism. This society brought new family structures, and units that were previously perceived as unacceptable became acceptable.Since the divorce reform act (1967) divorces have rapid ly increased resulting in many re-marriages, introducing the reconstituted family unit. This family includes children that live with one biological parent and a step-parent. These families may also include step/half brothers and sisters. Divorce has also meant there are many more single-parent families. This is a family structure where only one parent takes care of the children. This can be due to birth outside of marriage, divorce and death or imprisonment of a partner.Murray (1990) would argue that the rise in single parent families is due to the underclass and fatherless families. Boys without fathers are inadequately socialised and don’t have a male role model. When they have their own children they wont have an understanding of a ‘dad’ role, so this may result in them being absent in the child’s life and separation from the wife/partner. Marx (1848) would argue that the breakdown of marriage is due to the conflict that the capitalist society is creati ng and this is affecting relationships.Feminist, Delphy (1977) argues that the exploitation of women’s labour is rooted in ‘the domestic mode of production’ within the household, not in the capitalist mode of production. ‘Men hold a superior position within the domestic mode of production and exploit women through marriage’ (Fulcher and Scott, 2011: 435). This exploitation could create conflict and domestic violence may occur resulting in separation/divorce. Lastly, some individuals blame single-parent families on the permissiveness of the sexual revolution.Jeffrey Weeks (1989) believes that post-war changes in capitalism has led to a new pleasure-seeking attitude in females, which resulted in sexual behaviour as a source of pleasure rather a means of producing children. This can relate to why there are so many single-parent families headed by women from births outside marriage. Finally the most recent type of family structure is ‘same sex fami lies’. This involves a homosexual couple (gay or lesbian) that take care of children. This is the newest family unit as the civil partnership law was only passed in 2004.Since then 45,000 have been formed up until 2010. Homosexual couples have been apparent for a long time however only recently have the attitudes towards them become more acceptable resulting in the civil partnership law. Beck (1992) says this is because of individualisation; people are designing their lives based on their own choice not expectations. Also, people have very different attitudes now to previously in history, so homosexuality is more widely accepted. In conclusion, family structures are constantly changing and there is never only one type.Family structures tend to base around suiting the type of society there in. Policies can increase or decrease certain family structures. For example the divorce reform act (1967) increased single parent and reconstituted families and decreased the nuclear family . Also new family structures, same sex families have been introduced because of policies and change in attitudes. There may be new family structures in the future as society progresses. References- Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2011) Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Ethics Of Environmental Ethics - 1299 Words

Environmental ethics are a particular portion of environmental philosophy that echoes the ethical affiliation between human beings and the natural environment. The core belief that God is the creator of all things and human beings, grounds the environmental ethics of Christian teachings, where individuals are charged with the stewardship of this creation. Christian scripture, natural law and tradition create the foundations of Christian ethical teachings yet different expressions of Christianity depend on these sources to several degrees. Within the Christian practice, environmental awareness has only recently become a new recognition in developing a global concern for ecology and the role of humanity in the ongoing degradation of the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœGod said to them, be fruitfull, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it.† Alongside this in Genisis 2:15, God clearly declares that man is to â€Å"work [the land] and take care of it†. It is evident tha t human beings are simply not able to leave nature to itself, but rather, man are engaged to work the land whilst caring for it at the same time. This outline from the creation interpretation is continued throughout the Scriptures where a number of ecological ideas are accessible. God developed specific laws for his people in the Old Testament. This was in order to ensure that they would protect and care for nature. Laws were created including Sabbath rest as well as land resting in the need of promoting the health of the people, the land, and the animals in prevention from all aspects of being overworked. This is explained in Exodus 23:10-12. ‘For six years you are to sow your fields and harvest the crops, but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused.’ The book of Leviticus encourages good sanitation and stipulates legislation against improper disposal methods. God demanded in Deuteronomy 20:19-20, that even in periods of war, that the fruit trees are not be indiscriminately destroyed. ‘When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its t rees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit.’ Notifying the individuals integrity on what is seen as